The recipe for the perfect quality and unrivalled delight of each and every Tress product consists of three ingredients: exquisite raw ingredients, traditional production and constant inspections.
Only top-class raw ingredients make premium products. For example, at Tress this includes freshly cracked eggs from species-appropriate animal husbandry and sun-ripened semolina and spelt which grow in direct proximity to each other – right in the middle of the Swabian Alb Biosphere Reserve.
Constant inspections by our food chemists guarantee the perfect quality and unmistakeable freshness of Tress pasta specialities. Our modern factory is certified to international featured standards - food and attests to the top level of food safety. Come and see for yourself!
As a family business, we feel an obligation of tradition. For pasta and spaetzle which taste home-made:
In semolina the wheat is separated from the chaff. We exclusively use semolina from the best growing regions, which goes back on the inspection table after every harvest. The semolina matures fully on the sun-drenched fields and it obtains its natural yellow colour. The high protein content ensures that the pasta does not stick together during cooking and achieves the typical 'al dente' consistency.
Our spelt originates exclusively from the Swabian Alb Biosphere Reserve and mostly grows on the fields of the uncle of our managing director not far from Münsingen. After all, it is here that Swabian grain thrives to a particularly good quality.
The spelt only travels a few kilometres from the field to the mill to the pasta production facility. We process this excellent spelt wholemeal according to our original Swabian Tress home recipe with our especially gentle method, specifically developed by us. This way the valuable ingredients and typically nutty taste are maintained, thus contributing to intentional nourishment.
For our pasta with freshly cracked eggs, we exclusively use eggs of quality class A from selected German poultry yards. This quality requirement is clearly regulated and a condition for the purchase of our ingredients.
All the shell eggs we use originate from KAT-certified floor pens. [KAT = German Association for Controlled Alternative Animal Husbandry.] KAT-certification ensures seamless traceability of the eggs. Regular inspections also ensure that the strict requirements for animal husbandry and hygiene are maintained and the hens can perform their natural behaviours, such as scratching, dust bathing and plumage care.